Why I'm Reclaiming My Creativity: The Story of Inkwell Penumbra

Why I’m Reclaiming My Creativity: The Story of Inkwell Penumbra

Why I’m Reclaiming My Creativity: The Story of Inkwell Penumbra

*Inkwell symbolizes the act of creation through words.
*Penumbra symbolizes the act of transition.
*Combining these two words, “Inkwell Penumbra” [IP] (alternative ego) metaphorically represents a subtle realm of creativity, thought, or expression.
*IP means the constant transitions in my life.
*IP represents a space where my experiences and ideas are not fully formed, or they are in a state of becoming, suggesting my creative process exists in the transitional spaces between light and dark, known and unknown, or the concrete and the abstract.
*I am not fully in the shadow nor entirely in the light. I am in a transitional period of my life at all times.
*IP is not an author, poet, podcaster & or artist. IP is a storyteller.

At Length:

Many inquire about the origin of the name Inkwell Penumbra[IP]. Crafting my creative identity, Inkwell Penumbra[IP], was an introspective journey, particularly during the solitude imposed by my kidney failure. Despite being encircled by loved ones, moments of profound solitude emerged. Yet, this solitude wasn’t barren; it was a sanctuary for reflection, prayer, and hope. It was within these moments of quietude that Inkwell Penumbra was conceived – a creative alter ego born from introspection and resilience.

The journey of life, with its myriad experiences, has not been fully deciphered by me. However, a divine push towards creativity has led me to share my narrative in unique ways. Now, in my early 50s, I delve into writing ventures once deemed unattainable, driven by the inspiration of my family. My wife, once a bastion of privacy like myself, and I have pondered documenting her experiences in writing, believing her story could inspire other women.

Our children, each with their unique mode of creative expression – from poetry and rap to other artistic endeavors – showcase exceptional writing prowess and academic excellence. They embody the essence of expressing one’s thoughts and experiences. My aspiration for them is to persist in their creative pursuits, regardless of life’s challenges.

Inkwell Penumbra[IP] is more than a name; it’s a symbol of creation and transition. This persona encapsulates the ever-evolving nature of my life and creativity, dwelling in the liminal spaces of light and shadow, the known and the unknown. It represents the ongoing transformation and the uncharted territories of my creative journey. Inkwell Penumbra[IP] is not confined to the roles of an author, poet, podcaster, or artist. Still, it is a storyteller, weaving the tapestry of life’s experiences and transitions into narratives that resonate with the essence of human experience. Today, I remain in flux.