How The Divine Nine Is Mobilizing The #HBCU Student’s Vote by uplifting Black student voices across the country!

Written by Gabrielle Slaughter for @blavity

When Black people have been shut out of our democracy, past and present, Black sororities and fraternities have always made time and space to lift up our voices. We’ve got us. Always have, always will. The National Pan-Hellenic Council, also known as the “Divine Nine,” has consistently had a significant impact on the Black community in the voting process. Today, the Divine Nine advocates for equitable voting rights and fights against voter suppression legislation on a national scale.

The mere existence of the Divine Nine is a statement about Black people’s collective power. I would know because I’m a member of Spelman College’s chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, the first Black sorority. These organizations were created to support the Black community and fill the holes that society left all around us. When the first Black fraternity was founded in 1906, it was unfathomable for Black people to create a space like this for ourselves. In fact, Black people were being lynched for things smaller than collectively organizing in 1906.

There is nothing that white supremacy fears more than Black people mobilizing and voting, which is why there are continuously new barriers to the polls. The Divine Nine has had a huge impact on mobilizing voters across the country, but most importantly on college campuses. Students who are members of these organizations are leaders on campus, and the decisions they make have influence on other students. Our leadership is vital at our Historically Black Col…

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