Write 2 Rise Youth Writers

21st Century Leaders is a non-profit organization that connects, transforms, and inspires high school students across Georgia to promote inclusion, explore career opportunities, and become leaders in their school, community, and ultimately the workforce.

Our Three Pillars

21st Century Leaders provides opportunity and access to all students with our programs centered around three main pillars that unlock students’ leadership potential.

Leadership Development

A leader is defined not by their title but by their attitude, skills, and ability to lead and serve others.

Our programs empower students to unlock their potential by developing the essential soft skills and core competencies required for effective leadership

Career Readiness

Our programs connect students with passionate professionals from diverse backgrounds, providing hands-on experiences and in-demand skills.

This exposure helps them explore career opportunities and post-secondary education while gaining insights into professionalism. We collaborate with over 50 companies and 600 volunteers across various industry sectors to meet workforce needs and support our students.


Our programs inspire and empower students to create an inclusive environment that embraces diversity, belonging, and equity through developing their leadership skills.

All of our programs come at little to not cost and are provided through in-person, school-based, and digital formats, ensuring opportunities and access for every student to reach full potential.

See more by visiting https://www.21stcenturyleaders.org/.

C. Alexandria
Author: C. Alexandria

Designer, developer, and digital content creator.